Solving for an expression

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Review: Solving for an expression


This question may appear to give us an equation, but really it's asking us an equation. To be able to answer whether this equation is true, we need to find the values of x and y or directly of the expression of . On to the data statements, separately first.

Statement (1) doesn't give us the values of x and y. And we can't work our way into the algebraic expression we are looking for. The only way to obtain on the left would generate a presence of x and y also on the right side of the equation, and hence we cannot solve for this expression. So Statement (1) alone is insufficient.

Statement (2) may allow us to get the expression we are looking for. If we cross-multiply the data statement, we get . We are able to determine the expression , but we can't get the expression we are looking for, for the same reasons as in Statement (1). Statement (2) is insufficient.

Combining the statements, we will be able to solve for x and y. the data statements, indeed, are distinct: we could subtract from the first statement to solve for x and then y. The statements are sufficient together.

The correct answer is (C).

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