Teams Finishing Foot Race

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A foot race had 36 teams of a dozen runners each. By noon, of the teams had finished the race, and 70 percent of the remaining teams finished the race by one o' clock. How many teams had not finished the race by one o' clock?

Review: Teams Finishing Foot Race


In this question, the number of runners on each team has been given to us, but it doesn't seem to be important. We are asked how many teams finished, and all of useful information given to us is in terms of teams.

Since we have 36 teams, and of them finished by noon, the number that finished by noon is

Then, we are told, 70% of the remaining teams finished. How many were remaining after 16 finished? The number remaining was 20, since . So 70% of 20 teams finished by one o'clock. That number is

Note that, in both statements, the fraction "of" a number or the percent "of" a number indicates multiplication of the fraction or percent by that number. Anyway, 14 of the remaining 20 just finished, so there are 6 teams that haven't finished yet. That's what the question is asking for.

The correct answer is (D).

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