Powers of Tenth

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Review: Powers of Tenth


A rule of thumb when we are dealing with any exponents is to convert everything possible into an exponent form, so that we can use exponent rules. Here we have a bunch of 0.1's, and they all can be written as :

Exponents of exponents multiply. (If you're rusty on this, see the GMAT Free Math Review.) So we have:

Now we can get this expression out of exponent mode. Exponents of 10 basically count zeros or decimal places. The first term is 1 (and anything to the zeroth power is 1), and we have

Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

Note: just glancing at this question, you could have seen that the first term is one, because of the zero power, and that the other terms were small, so that the answer probably had to lie between (B) and (D), though it's not too much extra work to determine the correct answer definitively.

Again, the correct answer is (B).

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