Substitution Into an Expression

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If , and if , then the expression above is equivalent to

Review: Substitution Into an Expression


This question could be solved the old-fashioned way by plugging in for x in the original expression and simplify it, primarily by multiplying it by versions of 1. That will be fairly work-intensive, however. We can try picking a specific case and seeing which answer choices match it.

Say . In that case,

and . We can therefore plug in for y in the answer choices and see which of them generate 9. Any that do not can't be the correct answer. (A) yields

So it could be correct. (B) is the inverse, so it will give and it's out. (C) gives over , which is not 9. (D) and (E) are both negative, so they are not 9.

The correct answer is (A).

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