Terms in a Closed-Form Sequence

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What is the difference between the twelfth and eleventh terms of the sequence 0, 0, 1, 4, 9 ... whose nth term is ?

Review: Terms in a Closed-Form Sequence


The twelfth term of this sequence will have , so it will be. Similarly, the 11th term will be . Therefore, the difference between the two terms will be

If necessary, you can begin calculating to convince yourself that (D) is way too small. Or you may know that (or 1K, in computing terms, e.g., as in a file that takes up 1K of memory). Note that it was not necessary to compute previous terms to get the terms we wanted - the terms we wanted could be computed directly. In math terms, that means that this expression is a closed-form sequence, not a recursive sequence; GMAT questions may have one or the other.

The correct answer is (E).

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