Maximum Divisors

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If 2n is a divisor of 1680 and 2m is not a divisor of 1680, where m = n + 1, what is the value of n?

Review: Maximum Divisors


We are talking about divisors of 1680, which are numbers that go evenly into 1680. If we make a fraction with 1680 in the numerator and a divisor in the denominator, the fraction yields an integer. For this to happen, all of the factors that are present in the divisor must be 1680. Therefore, 1680 includes n 2's, since is a divisor, but 1680 does not have m 2's, since is not a divisor. Evidently, m is one 2 too many. So let's see how many 2's are in 1680, through repeated division.

Therefore, the prime factorization is . Therefore, and .

The correct answer is (C)

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