Counting Zeroes

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For the positive integers a and b, represents the number of zeros between the decimal point and the first nonzero digit to the right of the decimal point in the reciprocal of the product of a and b, when that reciprocal is expressed as a terminating decimal. What is the value of ?

Review: Counting Zeroes


We're given the definition of a function and we are asked to evaluate the function for the pair of numbers and . The reciprocal of the product of these numbers is

We need to get this thing into a decimal notation. One approach would be to compute and perform long division with the result. Another would be compute and , separately, compute and by long division, and multiply the two results. Both of these approaches would be time-prohibitive, so there must be a simpler way. The number could be reformatted as , or , which is more computable. But the 30 there gives me the idea to separate out powers of 10:

Now we must calculate. . Beginning the computation by long division, we get

We can stop here, since we are counting zeroes, not going for an actual value. The number in decimal form has 3 zeroes to the right of the decimal point before the first significant digit. Multiplying by will add 5 zeroes, so the total number of zeroes is 8. The correct answer is (B).

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