Combining Inequalities

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If and , then which of the following must be true?

Review: Combining Inequalities


Both of these inequalities can be simplified. Generally, you can treat inequalities like equations in the sense that you can do something to one if you do it to the other. (The exception, which doesn't apply here, is that if you multiply or divide both sides by a negative number, you must flip the direction of the inequality.) From we have , and gives . Combining them, we have . That's not in the answer choices - have we made a mistake? Not necessarily. We can consider possible cases. If , then a possible value of z is zero. That means that it's not true that (C) must be true, or (D), or (E), so we can rule them out. Similarly, if , z could be 7, or 7.5 So (B) need not be true. Must (A) be true? Indeed, it must. If z is right of -5 on the number line, then it's always going to be right of -6 on the number line.

The correct answer is (A).

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