Distance to the Moon

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The average distance between the Earth and the moon is approximately kilometers. Which of the following is the closest to the average distance in feet? (1 kilometer is approximately feet.)

Review: Distance to the Moon


In this question, we can use dimensional analysis, the practice of writing and multiplying fractions such that units cancel as desired:

Writing the units makes it easy to determine whether we are multiplying or dividing the quantities. We can drop the units now, since we'll be working in feet from this point forward.

There are many approaches to making this calculation easier. One approach is to ignore the decimals at first and observe that we have almost forty 32's; since it's thirty-eight 32's, it's forty 32's minus two 32's, or 64. But the bottom line is that it's good to reserve some space on the side of your noteboard for when you have to do some multiplying or dividing that warrants writing.

The correct answer is (C).

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