Hervey Allen

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Book reviewer: the author of this book confirms that it was inspired by the plot of Anthony Adverse, the 1933 book by Hervey Allen, but maintains that the style of writing is unique. Orpheo, the author's main character, is an orphan, like the lead character of the earlier novel, but Orpheo's dialogue is of a style that would never been heard in the 1930s.

The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that

Review: Hervey Allen


Reading the question: The question stem is of a less common type. It's like a logical continuation, a fill-in-the-blank. As with a logical continuation question, we'll focus on making a prediction of the answer.

Creating a filter: We're talking about a book inspired by the older book. The argument is that there are some similarities, but some key differences. The logical continuation or logical overall point appears to be that the similarities don't comprise everything that is important. There are important differences. The new book is different in important ways. We might even go on and say that the new book is still original, creative, or a great book. We'll look for something like "new book is different / creative / great" in the answer choices.

Applying the filter: all the answer choices miss that fundamental positive point about the new book, with the exception of (D). Choice (D) says "the similarities... do not diminish the stylistic differences." That's right; the point is that there are similarities, but the new book is different in important ways. The correct answer is (D).

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